Wednesday, August 25, 2010


[I'm back! I'll post about the trip soon.]

I have discovered that I love Maine (summer) weather. I have also discovered that I hate it.

There are some days that it is just gorgeous. Almost like fall back in VA or OH. There's a slight chill in the morning. These mornings I love waking up, throwing on a sweatshirt, grabbing a blanket and going to sit outside on the porch. It's so nice to just sit out there. It reminds me of being at the beach, which I suppose isn't too far off (I often see seagulls in parking lots. And, when I landed at the airport the other day I noticed a distinct "coast" smell. It was awesome.). By afternoon it's warmer, but not hot, the sweatshirt is gone, and it is absolutely wonderful out. Mid-70s, maybe. No humidity. I couldn't ask for better weather. I want it year round.

Then there are the other days. The make-me-want-to-crawl-into-a-cave days. It's not that it gets too hot, per se, but the humidity is atrocious. The temperature may only be in the 80s, but it feels hotter, and it just feels stale and sticky and... ugh. Prior to this my life has been spent living entirely in VA and OH, both of which got hot and humid in the summer. I should be used to this. But it's somehow different here. Maybe it's all mental. The temperature is lower (not 90s) so, it should feel better, right? Whatever is going on, I do not like these days. I should just go sit in the basement.

Anyway, before the drudge of winter, I'm hoping that ME autumn is very similar to ME summer. A slight chill, a slight breeze. If so, I can't wait to experience it.

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